Classes for Students in Grades 9-12
Experimental Science
Grades 6-9
Teacher: Billie Jo Fouts
Question - Experiment - knowledge
In this hands-on class, we will be exploring fundamental concepts basic to general chemistry, physics, and biology. These scientific truths give us glimpses of God’s creative hands. We will learn more about the Creator of all things by understanding more about his creation through science and experiments. New experiments will be tried each semester. Supply Fee: $30/semester
Vet Science
Grades 6-9
Teacher: Jenny Liedberg
This class will introduce students to the different breeds and species of animals. We will explore the animals' behaviors, basic needs and roles in our communities. Not only will we explore domestic animal and pets, but we will discuss livestock and some wildlife. Students will learn about the animals' body systems and how to provide basic care and monitor vital signs. There will be hands-on days where we will observe and study live animals. Supply Fee: $30/semester
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Michelle Graham
This class will be discussing topics and doing experiments involving forensic techniques used in solving crimes. Although not a credit class we will cover the scientific concepts that are behind our experiments. Some days may be diving into the intricacies of identifying fingerprints while others are performing experiments that mimic what happens to evidence in the crime lab like blood typing. This class will cover topics that include blood evidence and weapon evidence. For example, examining the blood spatter pattern to determine the likely scenario at a crime scene. I do not plan to make this a gruesome class, but it will deal with the ideas of evidence at crime scenes involving murder. We may discuss actual crimes and how the evidence was processed and analyzed to help in a case. Supply fee $30 per semester.
Health Education
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Sarah Craig​
Health Education is an excellent way to provide students with the knowledge they need to maintain health and wellness throughout their lifetime. Classes on nutrition, exercise, safety, first aid, and mental and spiritual wellness will help motivate students to improve their health, prevent disease, and avoid or reduce health related risks. Topics related to sex and reproductive health will not be included and are left to the discretion of the family. This course will count as a High School Health credit and will have required weekly homework that will be graded. Supply fee TBD
Core: Physical Science
Grades 8-12
$70/ month or included in MAP
Teacher: Donna Brown
Monday Academic Program Science class
This 90 minute class will cover your child's core science for the year and can be counted as one science credit for high school. In this course, students will be introduced to the scientific method as they apply it to the concepts studied in this class. Students will benefit from the experience of real labs and hands-on learning. Using Science Shepherd's Fundamentals of Physics curriculum, students are introduced to the general study of physics as well as to specific topics such as the scientific method, standardized measurement and data collection, matter (solids, liquids, gases), kinetic energy and potential energy, forces, mechanical equilibrium, Newton’s laws of motion, gravity, waves, sound, light, color, and radioactive physics. The text concludes with a brief history of science and scientists through a biblical worldview, as well as providing readers with some of the applications of physics that support God’s creation of the universe. An understanding of pre-Algebra concepts will help in this class. The teacher will provide grades throughout the semester and a final grade in December and May. Supply Fee TBD
Textbook needed: Fundamentals of Physics
Core: Biology
Grades 9-12
$70/ month or included in MAP
Teacher: Donna Brown
Monday Academic Program Science Class 90 minutes
This biology course is designed to fill one lab science credit for high school students. The text book provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology. Some specific topics covered in this class include the study of life (including DNA), each kingdom in biological classification, the cell, cellular reproduction, Mendelian Genetics, and human body systems. (reproduction will be skipped because of time constraints). Lab work will include microscope labs and plenty of dissection! Requirements: Textbook - Science Shepherd Biology (Only the text is required. The Parent Companion is helpful, because it summarizes the chapters but not required. The lab manual and test booklets are NOT needed). The teacher will provide grades throughout the semester and a final grade in December and May. Supply Fee: TBD
Core Chemistry
Grades 9-12
$70/ month or included in MAP
Teacher: Donna Brown
Monday Academic Program Science Class 90 minutes
This chemistry course is designed to fill one lab science credit for high school students. The text book provides students with a firm understanding of the basics of chemistry. Some specific topics covered in this class include measurement & units, atoms & molecules, atomic structure, molecular structure, polyatomic ions and molecular geometry, stoichiometry, acid-base chemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and more. At-home work will consist of reading, answering questions, and watching lectures. In-class experiments will help students gain better understanding by measuring specific heat, discovering the electrical conductivity of compounds dissolved in water, measuring the width of a molecule, exploring freezing point depression, using the ideal gas equation, recognizing the effects of catalysts, and more. The teacher will provide grades throughout the semester and a final grade in December and May. An understanding of Algebra concepts will help in this class. Supply Fee: TBD
Textbook needed: Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry 3rd Edition.
Core: Physics (to be offered again 2024-2025)
Grades 9-12
$70/ month or included in MAP
Teacher: Donna Brown
**THIS CLASS IS NOT OFFERED 2022-2023) Monday Academic Program Science Class 90 minutes
This is a college-prep physics course and is designed for the student who has completed Algebra 1 and has had an introduction to the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. It provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general physics, heavily emphasizing vector analysis. It will be taught both conceptually (Lots of hands on) and mathematically. Requirements: Textbook - Apologia Exploring Creations with Physics, calculator (I use a Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator). The teacher will provide grades throughout the semester and a final grade in December and May. Supply Fee: $25
Explore the World Through Geography
Grades 6-9
Teacher: Carol Hill
Explore the World is a hands-on geography course. In this class you will learn about the physical and human geography of the world as you study maps, landforms and explore past and present cultures while participating in hands-on activities that will enhance your understanding of world geography. You will explore foods, the origin of languages, arts, ecosystems, religions and more from a biblical perspective. There will be group activities and opportunities for in-class presentations. I hope you will join us as we explore the world!!
Supply Fee: $30/semester
Gen 2 Rev Survey of the Bible
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Paula Riobo
Have you learned things about the Bible but don't really know how it all fits together? Join us as we tackle the Bible in chronological order to learn the heights and depths how it's structured and how we can really use it as a tool to greatly affect our lives. This class will be a fast-paced journey into learning the Bible in a whole new way. Supply fee: $10/year PLUS students should have a Bible in a translation of their choice and a copy of Strong's Concordance.
Shakespeare: Play by Play
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Sarah Craig
This in depth class takes a close look at three of Shakespeare’s plays over the course of the year (Julius Caesar, The Tempest, The Merry Wives of Windsor). We’ll explore his influence on the language and culture of his day as well as how and why his plays and poems continue to be a vital and influential part of modern writing and art. We’ll also look at meter, character, and plot and how he uses them to tell a rich and enduring story. Whether you’re passionate about Shakespeare or have never read anything he wrote and want to learn more, this is the class for you. Supply fee: $15/semester
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Allison Keeling
In this psychology class, we will study Personality Psychology and Abnormal Psychology. FALL Semester will focus on Personality Psychology. Expect active discussion of various theories about personality and taking personality tests. Beyond a better knowledge base of Personality Psychology, students will gain in self-awareness, self-understanding, and an awareness of group dynamics.
SPRING Semester will focus on Abnormal Psychology. We will go over various mental health diagnoses, understanding the diagnosis process, and exploring therapy and treatment options. Case studies, research studies, and even analyzing famous characters from literature and movies will all be used in classroom discussions. Supply Fee: $10/semester
Public Speaking
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Paula Riobo
The ability to speak well in front of an audience is a skill that puts students and adults well ahead of their peers. This course will give the confidence and skill set for students to be able to present in front of any type of audience. Skills in confidence, poise, and presentation will be gained through multiple types of presentation, peer-to-peer evaluation and self-assessment. Students will be expected to prepare presentations of 10-15 minutes in length using multiple techniques and topics. Non-presentation topics will range from social situations to job interviews and conversation facilitation. Supply fee: $0
Creative Writing
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Paula Riobo
If you are creative and have a mind filled with ideas, this is the class for you! We will explore all types of writing from poetry to short stories, and learn about literary concepts including alliteration, prose, metaphors, acrostics, personification, character development, plot, setting and so much more!
Students will have the opportunity to develop their writing skills through weekly journals and producing a final collection of their works for a book as the class is completed. Each student will have the opportunity to publish their own book as well as contribute to a class book. Supply fee: $10/year
Core: Freshman Literature & Composition
Grades 8-9
$70/month or included in MAP
Teacher: Maureen Altman
Monday Academic Program Language Arts classes
This 90 minute English Language Arts course will provide a strong foundation for 8th and 9th grade students as they prepare for the depth and rigor of high school English classes. The class will build on reading comprehension skills and grammar usage while digging deeper into literature and literary analysis. Literary works will represent a variety of times and cultures and give students the foundation to study various genres. For composition, strong paragraph writing will progress to strong essays as students demonstrate competency in a variety of writing genres: argumentative, informational/expository, and narrative. They will also engage in research, creative writing, and the writing process. Instruction in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking. This class will cover the student's core English class for the year and can be counted as one high school credit for 9th graders. Literature will be chosen for its quality as literature as well as its connection to the historical times studied. At-home work will be assigned for students to complete during the week. Teachers will provide feedback and grades through the year and grade averages in December and May.
Core: British Literature and Composition
Grades 10-12
$70/month or included MAP
Teacher: Kristy Dennis
Monday Academic Program English class 90 minutes
This course is a survey of British Literature from the Anglo-Saxon Period to the present. It builds upon previous high school English courses and focuses on literature and informational texts, writing modes and genres, and essential conventions for reading, writing, and speaking. Students will develop an understanding of chronological context and the relevance of period structures in British literature. They will also develop an understanding of the ways the period of literature affects its structure and how the chronology of a work affects its meaning. Students will encounter a variety of informational and literary texts and read texts in all genres and modes of discourse. While the continued focus is expository writing in British literature, students will also demonstrate competency in argumentative and narrative genres. Students will engage in research, creative writing, and the writing process. Instruction in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking. Differentiation will be provided, and an honors option will be offered. The teacher will provide grades and feedback throughout the year with final grades in December and May. Supply fee: $0
Core: Contemporary Literature and Composition
Grades 10-12
$70/month or included MAP
Teacher: Kristy Dennis
Monday Academic Program English class 90 minutes
In this course, students will study and gain appreciation for significant contemporary writers, literary movements, and genres of the 20th century through the present day. Our goal is to look at the modern writers and books and examine themes, connections to historical or political movements, and key elements of each genre. Some of the literature that may be selected includes best-selling authors like Michael Crichton, Agatha Christie, J.R.R. Tolkien as well as modern classics like Fahrenheit 451 and Invisible Man. Writing assignments will be given to help students continue to develop their skills in multiple disciplines. Opportunities will be provided for students to write for essay contests in the hopes of applying for scholarships (optional). This course can be used as an English II, III, or IV credit. The teacher will provide grades and feedback throughout the year with final grades in December and May. Supply fee: $0
Core: World History II
Grades 9-12
$40/month or included in MAP
Teacher: Jessica Ham
Monday Academic Program Social Studies class
This 45 minute class on Mondays will cover your high school student's core social studies for the year and can count as one credit on the transcript. Using Streams of Civilization Volume II, students will pick up their study of world history in the 1600s with the period of European Expansion and the Counter-Reformation and continue through modern-day issues. The textbook is written from a Christian and Western perspective and contains units that cover the enlightenment, humanism, Puritanism and the Great Awakening, the French Revolution, Protestantism and the Rise of Modern Science, Industrial Progress, the impact of Darwinism, Democratic Nationalism, European Imperialism, WWI, WWII, Communism, the Rise of the Third World, Cultural Changes in the West, The Third Millennium, and more. Students will complete weekly reading and questions as well as monthly research or creative projects. The teacher will provide grades and feedback throughout the year and final grades in December and May.
Students will need Streams of Civilization Volume 2
Core: Government and Economics
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Jessica Ham
American Government (FALL): Explore the government of the United States from its beginning to the present with special emphasis on the Biblical pattern for government and on the U.S. Constitution using Exploring Government by Notgrass.
In class we will cover some teaching, but the majority of our time will be spent on hands-on activities and projects that will help solidify what we are learning. Class participation is a must. Homework each week will include reviewing the teaching lesson, reading the chapter, quizzes, and projects. The majority of all assigned work will be given and turned in online via Google Classroom. This class fulfills the ½ credit of Government needed for high school.
Economics (SPRING): Emphasizing work, wealth, and stewardship from a biblical perspective, this one-semester course covers the differences between market and command economies; the proper roles of individual consumers, producers, and the government; and more using Economics: Work & Prosperity by Abeka. In class we will cover teaching and hands-on projects. Class participation is a must. Homework to include reading the chapter, answering some questions, quizzes, and projects. Projects include the Game Of Life where we will walk through real life economic decisions from high school graduation through having children and retirement. The majority of all assigned work will be given online and turned in via Google Classroom. This class fulfills the ½ credit of Economics needed for high school.
We are offering this class on a Wednesday for those students who may need the credit before it is offered again through the Monday Academic Program. This class will be offered in the MAP class rotation in 2024-2025. If your student will be attending MAP during that school year, we recommend waiting until then.
Spanish I (to be offered 2023-2024)
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Rebekah Nunez
90 minute class; no prerequisite
This class will give students the foundation to use Spanish in everyday life as well as count as a high school foreign language credit. Students will develop practical language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing through songs, games, videos, and real life practice scenarios. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to carry on basic conversations in Spanish covering time & date, weather, food, school, family, and their hobbies. Students will also receive grammar instruction on topics including verb conjugation, noun/adjective agreement, syntax, and other foundational concepts. I will assign students independent work to continue their learning on the days we do not meet. Required text: Prentice Hall – Realidades 1 **Spanish II will be offered 2022-2023 Supply Fee: $10/semester
Spanish II
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Rebekah Nunez
90 minute class
This class will build on foundational knowledge to further students’ skills for using Spanish in everyday life. Students will continue developing practical language skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing through songs, games, videos, and real life practice scenarios. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to carry on basic conversations in Spanish including topics such as school & extracurricular activities, personal hygiene, celebrations & competitions, doctor visits, natural disasters, and movies. Students will also receive grammar instruction on topics including verb conjugation (present and past tense), noun/adjective agreement, syntax, and other foundational concepts. I will assign students independent work to continue their learning on the days we do not meet. Required text: Prentice Hall – Realidades 2**
*The class will meet for two class periods to provide students with instruction in grammar and opportunities to practice conversation skills.
**This book is no longer currently published. Please contact Rebekah if you need help finding a book.
German Conversation
Grades 6-12
Teacher: Maureen Altman
Guten Tag! Wir sprechen Deutsch.
This class is a great introduction to the German language. We will cover basic conversation by learning vocabulary and key phrases. This will include greetings, describing ourselves, weather, number, the calendar, and pets.
This class would suit a middle schooler who wants to build up those language muscles in their brain, or a high schooler who wants to add that extra language component as an elective on their transcript.
This class will not have a written requirement. While this class should not be counted as a foreign language credit by itself, it can be used in conjunction with any at-home German programs, with reading and writing, to help students gain skills and confidence in speaking and listening. (This class cannot be started in January) Supply Fee: $10/semester
​Required Text: First Thousand Words in German
Signing in Song - American Sign Language
Grades 5-9
Teacher: Paula Riobo
Learn American Sign Language in a fun and expressive way as we interpret contemporary Christian songs to music. Students will learn vocabulary and ASL sentence structure and have opportunities to also interpret songs of their choice. Songs learned in class will be performed at Compass showcases. ​ Supply Fee: $0/semester
Fine Arts
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Diane Stokowski
In this class I’ll talk with the students and allow them to give input on the fine art they would like to work on. Then I will incorporate instruction to create a variety of projects. We will be creating many different art involving pencil, charcoal, ink, paint, clay, jewelry and mixed mediums. I’ll also challenge them with projects they never considered like working on an abstract painting, or drawing upside down. If you’ve taken this class in the past, you’ll perfect your work and if you’re new to art, you’ll learn many concepts in the world of visual art! Supply fee $25
Advanced Drawing
Grades 6-12
Teacher: Diane Stokowski
You will be using drawing techniques that go beyond the basics to push your artistic skills to the next level. You will learn to refine your sketches into polished artwork. In regular drawing we go from one object to another. This class we may work on a drawing for multiple weeks perfecting our work. We will use pencils, chalk pastels, oil pastels, ink and charcoal. Supply Fee: $20
Sculpting - Fall Semester
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Diane Stokowski
Have you ever wanted to create out of clay, metal or polymer? Maybe you are someone that likes to use recycled items to make useful art. Or maybe you just like to create and have fun. Then this is the class for you! We will do a variety of sculpting that will include lots of clay (throwing a pot, pinch pot, coil pot and figures). We’ll create a metal sculpture, and create a large recycled sculpture. All clay will be kiln fired and glazed. Keeping the class size small will allow for extra attention to detail. Supply fee $40
Jewelry Making - Spring Semester
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Diane Stokowski
In this class you will learn the art of jewelry design and making.This will include using resin, wire-wrapped, clay/polymer bead creation and much more. With the younger grades we will create a group 3D design that will be printed. In the older grades we will explore jewelry design software programs and 3D making concepts while creating a 3D printed model. Supply fee $35
Theatrical Production
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Danielle Bailey Miller
This class will focus on the production process from start to finish: from auditions to production. Students will learn the basics of an audition process, the rehearsal process (performance side and the technical side), and the final production. The class will present 1-3 showings of a performance of a two-act play or one-act play (depending on the school’s calendar) that will be selected by the Director and/or an Acting Showcase. This class is open to anyone interested in acting or interested in the technical side of theatre. This class will build on concepts taught in previous years, so returning students will continue to develop their acting and production skills while learning new plays and scene work. Students will need to bring a 3 ring binder for the production class. Students/Parents are responsible for providing their own costumes. Please note, some outside of class rehearsal time will be required. Supply Fee: $15/year
Musical Theatre
Grades 7-12
Teachers: Wendy Oesterle and Heather Arnold
This 90 minute class is shared between two teachers to provide the best instruction. Wendy Oesterle will provide the vocal training while Heather Arnold will teach the choreography. The vocal portion of the class will help students develop the vocal skills needed to participate in group and solo singing opportunities. Emphasis will be given to stylistic integrity, as well as melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic accuracy. For the dance portion of the class, students will develop dance and performance skills as they relate to musical theater dance style and using dance as a method of storytelling as it relates to musical theater.
This class will perform during the Fall and Spring semesters and will produce a full-scale show to be performed in the Spring.
Payments should be split monthly with $30 to Wendy Oesterle and $30 to Heather Arnold.
Grades 6-12
Teacher: Wendy Oesterle
Learn to sing harmony in a choral setting covering classical music, folk songs, hymns, popular music, and more. Proper choral technique and vocal technique will be taught along with basic music theory.
Soccer Drills & Scrimmage
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Kevin Kaes
With the highschool soccer class, we will spend half of the class doing drills, and the other half scrimmaging. I want each student to become a better soccer player by doing a few simple drills, but I also want to make sure they are having fun and get plenty of time to play the game. The drills in this class will not be hard, so if a student is new to soccer, no worries, everyone will have a proper introduction to the sport. So some weeks we might scrimmage for the whole class. The goal in this class is to get better at soccer, be a team player, and most importantly have fun.
Supply Fee: $5/year
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Allison Keeling
This Trivia Class is all about the most random and obscure facts – some helpful and useful, some just interesting and surprising! Class time will be filled with games, prizes, competition, and creativity. Students will participate in researching facts and information in class, presenting information to the class, and brainstorming topics of interest. Games played during class time will range from the stereo-typical Trivia Game structure to incorporating activities such as putt-putt, puzzles, skits, and anything else the students and instructor can design together. Goals for this class are for students to learn a wide range of information and to experience a wide range of approaches to learning and presenting information. Supply Fee: $10/semester
Grades 3-12
Teacher: Jenny Liedberg
This outdoor target archery class will introduce students to the terminology, equipment, and basic shooting techniques. Once students have achieved success with the basic shot process, we will add elements such as games, walking while shooting, shooting moving targets, and optional scoring competition. On inclement days, we will work together indoors reviewing with simple terminology quizzes, and practicing correct form and posture with exercises. This class will be conducted in a supportive and encouraging manner with an emphasis on safety, fun, and personal improvement rather than competition with others.
Supply Fee: $15/semester
Bow Fee: $35 (one time fee)
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Maureen Altman
Learning can be fun, but sometimes we just need to take some time to play because ……. well, it just makes us happier humans. Come have fun, hang out with friends or friends-to-be and maybe learn a new game or two. Develop a habit of playing that will help you all through your life
Supply Fee: $0
Outdoor Rec
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Michelle Graham
Sometimes older students need to run around and play just as much as younger ones, so let your teens join Outdoor Rec to play games, learn some new skills, and make some new friends. Students will enjoy this fun, recreational class where they will play a variety of outside games ranging from volleyball to basketball to soccer and more. Supply fee: $5/semester
Logic and Problem Solving
Grades 6-9
Teacher: Kristy Dennis
The logic and problem solving class will focus on helping students develop logical thinking and problem solving skills and learn effective communication skills through challenges, games, word problems, brain teasers, and escape rooms. Students will engage in a lot of physical games that include competition (which group can build the tallest tower with these materials? Which group can build the safest egg box for an egg drop? Which team can make it across the room using only three squares of paper?). The purpose of these activities is to develop problem solving skills but also to work together as a team. Throughout the class, the students will be working together in groups that are assigned and change often to help kids get comfortable working with everyone. We'll also spend time discussing how to share ideas, how to listen to one another, how to discuss, and how to compromise when needed. On days that we're not doing physical activities, we'll be working on building up logical thinking with activities like brain teasers and logic grid puzzles. Included in each semester will be some escape room challenges to give the students opportunity to put their problem and communication skills to the test. This is an excellent course for middle school students who might be interested in joining the Leadership Class in the future as it provides some of the fundamental skills needed for the leadership class. Supply fee: $25/semester
Grades 8-12
Teacher: Paula Riobo
Are you ready to learn to cook? This class is designed to teach basic to advanced cooking skills, meal planning and preparation, kitchen safety and meal presentation. Students will utilize many different types of kitchen tools as they navigate from appetizer to desserts with plenty to taste along the way. Most foods will be made from scratch and will cover skills such as bread and pasta making, burgers, egg rolls, pies and packable lunch ideas. Knife skills and safety practices will be taught as well as safe handling practices. Students will complete this course with a full notebook including over 100 recipes that will practiced during the year. *New recipes and techniques will be taught, so the class is open to new and returning students.
Supply Fee: $30/semester
Study Skills
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Maureen Altman
So often we get so caught up in completing our assignments and meeting deadlines that we are not able to think through how we actually learn or consider what works best for us. We can get stressed, and stress builds up in our homes.
This class will look at scheduling, organization, notetaking, learning styles, prioritization, and avoiding procrastination (oh yes!). We will consider how these areas can be developed to help us now in our learning, and also identify the relevance in every aspect of our lives. We will make the connections of these skills and aptitudes into our future careers.
This class is equally relevant whether we are just starting high school or preparing for college.
(This class cannot be started in January)
Grades 7-12
Teacher: Kristy Dennis
In this course, students will develop skills related to graphic design and journalism while working to create the annual Compass yearbook. Topics covered will include elements and principles of design, journalistic writing, typography, and photography (as it relates to pictures for the yearbook). The yearbook class will work together to develop ideas, cover designs, and themes for the yearbook. Work will begin in the abstract (discussing concepts and practicing with sample pages) and move to the concrete (designing and creating the 2021-2022Compass yearbook from start to finish).
Space is limited and application is required. If interested, contact Kristy Dennis at dennisfam2000 @ gmail. com
Rising Responders - 1st Aid and CPR
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Elena Ledon
Taught by a retired firefighter/paramedic, this class will train and inform the children on how to utilize common first aid and CPR in their daily lives. Students will learn how to safely respond in an emergency situation in a helpful manner. We will cover basic anatomy and use several hands-on activities to learn necessary skills. The class will heavily cover first aid techniques including splinting, bandaging, CPR, and much more. The children will gain the knowledge and the confidence to recognize when and how to safely act in multiple emergency scenarios. FYI for those with sensitive hearts - there will be discussions and images of injuries.
Leadership/ Student Council
Grades 9-12
Teacher: Maureen Altman
Being a leader is about so much more than being the boss. We want our older young people to be in an environment where they can be challenged to develop skills that not only build their confidence now, but genuinely prepare them for roles in the workplace and their communities.
In this class, they will develop their skills in communication, being more open, being respectful of others' opinions, and being comfortable disagreeing when necessary. We want them to be creative and have a vision for Compass, roll up their sleeves to do the work and inspire the wider student body to get involved. Through team work and cooperation, students will have multiple opportunities to make genuine decisions, create action plans, set deadlines, and be held accountable. This class is an excellent way for students to gain real leadership skills, see personal growth, and have an impact on the community of students they serve. It will be lively, challenging, and by the end of the year our students will be able to see the tangible impact that they have had on our student community, while recognizing the growth in themselves.