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Monday Academic Program 


Monday Classes represent our core academics.  Monday Academic Program (MAP) offers academic courses taught by qualified and experienced teachers.  For grades 2-12, teachers provide instruction, interactive lessons, discussions, and activities during classtime on Mondays.  At home, students complete reading, do writing assignments, and work on projects that are assigned by the teachers.  The planning, grading, and structure is provided by the MAP teachers, but parents still fill an essential role as they help their child(ren) throughout the week to work on their assignments.  For grades K-1, we offer an all-in-one enrichment day where students will have a great hands-on, learning-filled day featuring science, history, stories, arts & crafts, sharing skills, recess, and other activities.



2023-2024 Class Offerings

Do you like to plan ahead?  See what we will be offering in future years.  We plan our Monday Academic Classes to be offered in rotation so students can be sure to take what they need before high school graduation.

Click Here


  • This is an Enrichment Program featuring a full-day of classroom instruction, activities, and hands-on learning utilizing Montessori methods. 

  • Students stay with the same teacher for the full day and spend time with math, phonics, science, history, recess, and crafts.  


  • This is a core program where teachers provide instruction one day a week and assignments to be completed at home during the rest of he week with parent involvement

Classes include:

  • Language Arts (reading comprehension, novel studies, grammar, and writing)

  • Science (God's Design for Life)

  • History (Story of the World III)

  • Math (Singapore for grades 2-3, Teaching Textbooks for grades 4-6)


  • This is a core program where teachers provide instruction one day a week and assignments to be completed at home during the rest of he week with parent involvement

Classes include:

  • Language Arts (reading comprehension, novel studies, grammar, and writing - 2 period class)

  • Science (Apologia's General Science - 2 period class)

  • History (Story of the World III plus Extra Resources)

​GRADES 9-12

  • This is a core program where teachers provide instruction one day a week and assignments to be completed at home during the rest of he week with parent involvement

  • At the high school level, parents can select the courses that best fit their students' needs.

  • These classes can be used to fulfill graduation requirements

Classes include:

  • American History

  • American Literature and Composition OR English I, II, III, IV

  • Physics OR Biology OR Marine Biology

How it Works


A key component to our choice of materials and curricula is integrated or cross-curricular education.  Subjects should not be studied in isolation, but rather connected through all the disciplines.  When learning about the great minds of the Renaissance in history class, students may learn about Leonardo da Vinci and Newton's Laws in science.  In history, while learning about World War I, high school students may read All Quiet on the Western Front or selections of war poetry while writing an essay analyzing themes of war in literature.   At home, children from all grades can talk and share about the interesting things they are learning and build on what each one is doing.  Studying the same period of history and the same discipline of science facilities conversations at home as children excitedly share what they have learned and add to their siblings' knowledge.


In order to glean the most benefit from the classes, students will be held to a high standard, and teachers will expect work to be done well and in a timely manner.  We utilize Google Classrooms for managing assignments and communication.  All students will need to be able to access and use Google Classrooms, whether using their own or a parent's email address.


Highlights of our MAP classes include a Living Wax Museum in the Fall and a Science Fair in the Spring.


On the schedule, classes marked in YELLOW are OPEN to any student joining the class in January. 

Classes marked in GREY are CLOSED and cannot be joined by new students mid-year because the class is full or because it is too far along in the curriculum.  However, there are extenuating circumstances where we would consider a student joining a closed class (for example: they have already started Algebra I at home and want to join the Algebra I class at Compass).  If you would like to be considered for a closed class, please reach out to the administration at  to see if your student would be eligible.




2023-2024 Schedule 


2023-2024 Pricing 



Monthly Tuition includes the full day of classes and is outlined below.  Additional required payments include the standard registration fee ($40/family), facility fee ($15/student), and a science lab fee (see course descriptions).  Monday students will be expected to pay a $50 nonrefundable deposit when registering to hold their place in class.  This deposit will be credited toward the first month's tuition payment.


  • Full Day Tuition Pricing 

    • Grades K-1 $135/month

    • Grades 2-6 $155/month

    • Grades 7-8 $155/month

    • Grades 9-12 $170/month

  • For parents who simply want one or two classes, we do offer a la carte pricing. 

    • $30/period for grades 2-6, or $60 for a 2 period class

    • $35/period for grades 7-8 or $65 for a 2 period class

    • $40/period for grades 9-12 or $70 for a 2 period class

  • Parents are expected to supply all necessary books for their students' classes.

Classes will be closed as enrollment meets capacity.  In order to save spots for full time students, we may close a la carte options earlier.  If you are interested in a closed a la carte class, we can put you on the waiting list, and you will be notified in early August if a spot is available.


Students can "cross" between grade levels as needed.

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